Sunday, November 9, 2014

Great long weekend for CAP Dog Walking & Pet Sitting, LLC

What a great and busy weekend we had with our canine friends.

We were so lucky to spend time with Snowey, Hope, Faith, Scooby, Murphy, Tbone and Montey!


Have a "pur"fect day from Cathy & Anthony

Monday, September 1, 2014

CAP Dog Walking & Pet Sitting, LLC on Pet Sitter Associates

Happy Labor Day

Well, it's been a great summer. I made lots of new friends, of the canine species. Our new business is off to a good start, and we look forward to adding new members to our "pack" as the months go on. Happy Labor Day!! Here's to a fun-filled, happy, and healthy school year

 CAP Dog Walking & Pet Sitting, LLC

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Dogs do dream! Dogs and humans have the same type of slow wave sleep (SWS) and rapid eye movement (REM) and during this REM stage dogs can dream. The twitching and paw movements that occur during their sleep are signs that your pet is dreaming

A big welcome to Mollie and Murphy!  We are happy to have you as part of our pack!

Saturday, July 26, 2014

What a Great Week!

We spent a wonderful week with Greta and our kitty's.  One particular cat stole my heart, Gary, what a sweetheart!


Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

Monday, June 30, 2014

July 4th Fireworks and Thunderstorms

Scary Noises: Fireworks & Thunder Fears?

How to Solve Noise Phobias with 11 Easy Tips

Fourth of July is a prime time for scary noises.
Image Copr. Reggie Cassagrande/Getty Images
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Scary noises from storms, or even 4th of July fireworks can turn the bravest canines into scared puppies. Even fireworks noises for New Years, cars backfiring or gunshots during hunting season also create dog fear, and happen throughout the year.
Up to 20 percent of dogs suffer from noise phobias. For fireworks celebrations, owners can predict events and take steps to sooth upset doggy feelings. But unexpected storms can be difficult to manage. Frantic pups pull down window blinds, collide with screen doors or crash through windows, while others simply shiver and moan. It's important to puppy proof your home so the frightened pup isn't injured, and a secure fenceshould withstand even a puppy panic attack.

Solving Thunder and Fireworks Fears

Behaviorists recommend pups be counter-conditioned to the scary noises by exposing the fearful dog to recorded sounds of the scary noise played at a very low volume, and rewarding him for staying calm. Gradually, you increase the noise level, to help the pup “get used” to the noise--desensitize him--so he can learn to tolerate it.
Desensitization programs can take weeks and sometimes months to work, though. Pups suffering from storm phobias also may react to the sounds of rain. Even the sensation of humidity or barometric pressure can trigger behavior problems, and you can’t do much to control humidity or barometric pressure. Use these 11 tips to dial down the noisy fear factor.

11 Tips for Soothing Scary Noises

  1. Fearful dogs may instinctively look for tight-fitting places to hide. They often squeeze between furniture and the wall, or hide their eyes in your armpit. This applies a comfortable "hug" pressure sensation that seems to calm them, so let your pup seek his own shelter.
  2. Avoid offering sympathy. Coddling your pup when he's fearful can reward the behavior. Instead of saying, "poor baby are you scared?" use a matter of fact tone, "wow, that was a loud noise and made me jump, too--but we aren't scared."
  3. Dress them up. Some puppies benefit from the Storm Defender that reduces static electricity that prompts some behavior problems. Another option is the Anxiety Wrap that applies even pressure to the dog’s body and helps him better manage his stress. A similar product that applies pressure is the Thundershirt. In addition, the Calming Capseems to help some pups through stressful, anxious situations by hiding their eyes. A new product called The Rein Coat combines a harness, rain-shedding properties and calming relief for anxiety, fear and aggression and fits dogs (and cats) from 5 pounds to 250 pounds. Because each Rein Coat is custom fitted, it's a bit pricier than other options. These products also can help with your dog's separation anxiety issues.
  4. Avoid giving your puppy a sedative, because it won't reduce his fear. He just won't be able to do anything about it, which can make his anxiety even worse. Your vet may prescribe anti-anxiety medicationbased on your individual pup's needs.
  5. Ear plugs that mask the sound may also help. My veterinarian Dr. John Brakebill says when a client's dog went crazy after they moved near a gun range, the phobia calmed during treatment for an ear infection because the thick ointment muffled the sound. He suggests cotton balls or ear plugs as a temporary solution to help muffle the noise. Ask your vet to show you how to safely place anything in the dog's ears, though, so you don't damage the pup's hearing and plugs are easily removed after the upsetting sounds subside.
  6. Aromatherapy also helps sooth puppy fears. Canine Calm from Earth Guard Mists is designed to sooth dogs prone to distress due to thunderstorms, fireworks and other noisy or anxiety-producing situations. It contains pure essential oils of bergamot, tangerine, lavender, geranium, marjoram, and ylang ylang, all known to have a calming or even natural sedative properties. Earth Guard mists can be sprayed directly onto cloth, skin or fur without staining or leaving sticky residue and are said to be safe for puppies as young as 8 weeks old.
  7. A natural supplement of melatonin may help--a substance similar to a chemical produced in the brain that helps regulate sleep. Melatonin helps reduce the panic attacks in noise-phobic dogs, but it won't sedate the pup. Melatonin lasts several hours and may be cumulative over several days so you can plan ahead for known scary events like 4th of July. Melatonin can be found in health food stores, pharmacies, and some supermarkets. Always check with your veterinarian for the proper dosage for your size and breed of dog.
  8. Another option includes Comfort Zone with D.A.P. (dog appeasing pheromone). The product is an analogue of the pheromone mom-dogs produce to calm nursing puppies that signal him "don't worry, there's nothing to fear." Pheromones are chemical substances made by the animal’s body that act as a form of communication that, when inhaled by your dog, talks directly to his brain. It calms the fears of dogs of any age. D.A.P. plug-in, sprays, and infused collars are available at pet products stores. It helps a dog put a damper on fear long enough to “think” so that your behavior modification/training techniques can work. You’ll need to have the D.A.P. plugged in for several days in advance for it to offer your dog the best benefits. So when the weatherreport indicates storms or fireworks displays are in the offing, be prepared. The infused collar works more immediately. The spray can be used every one to two hours on bedding or a bandanna the dog wears.
  9. Dogs can’t panic when using their brain for something else such as “work” so give your dog a job to do just before and during the thunder and lightning display. Drill him onobedience commands and special tricks, or ask him to play fetch and carry around a favorite toy. That engages his brain into productive activity rather than thinking about the scary noises.
  10. Giving him treats and positive rewards for remaining calm also reinforces the benefits of controlling his emotions. Each time the wind blows, or thunder booms, try saying, "Wow, what fun!" to jolly him along and show there's no reason to fear, and then give a treat.
  11. Turn a radio to static to create white noise that muffles scary noises. Certain types of music can prove calming, too, by “entraining” the dog’s heart, respiration and brain waves to slow down and match the soothing rhythm. Harp music can be especially calming.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Welcome Lambo!

Welcome to our pack, Lambo!  You are so handsome and very sweet.

Cannot wait to see you again!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

We had a very exciting weekend!   We visited Libby and Joey again, and met 2 new furry friends - T-Bone and Montey.

We are lucky enough to see T-Bone and Montey EVERY day!  They are two adorable Shih Tzu brothers.  Montey really loves his human mom and normally has a tough time adjusting to new people, but he fell in love with us!

We also just found out that we will be a featured business on Yahoo!  We are so excited!!

Have a "pur"fect day everyone, will talk to you soon.

CAP Dog Walking & Pet Sitting, LLC

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Libby and Joey

Last weekend we were lucky enough to meet our newest members of our pack - Libby and Joey.  Libby is a Cairn Terrier, and Joey is a Chiwawa Mix.

Welcome to our family, Libby and Joey!

See you soon <3

Hot Weather Tips from the Expert

Cesar's Top Summer Tips

With record temperatures around the country, it is important to keep your dogs in mind when it comes to keeping cool. Here are Cesar's Top 10 Tips for beating the summer heat!

1.) Exercise your dog early in the morning or late at night.

Since these are the cooler parts of the day, this will make the walk more comfortable for both you and your dog. I'm a believer in vigorous exercise for healthy dogs, but this is the time of year to back off on exercise intensity.

2.) Use doggie boots.

You can find these at your local pet supply store. If you can't walk your dog during the early and later hours of the day, this is a good way of protecting him. Heat rises from the ground, especially on surfaces like cement and asphalt, and dogs absorb and release heat through their feet. Just like boots prevent the dog from absorbing the cold in the winter, they also isolate heat.

3.) Watch for signs of dehydration.

Dogs can't sweat. They cool off by panting, so an overheated dog will drool excessively. It will become lethargic, its eyes will be bloodshot, and it may appear a little pale. If you lift its skin, it will take longer than usual for the skin to fall back into place.

4.) Keep your dog hydrated!

Different dogs have different needs when battling the heat. Keep in mind that darker coats absorb more heat than lighter coats. Also, overweight dogs are at higher risk for dehydration. Carry a bottle of water when going on a walk with your dog. Better yet have your dog carry it for you in a backpack or a vest! The water in the bottles will keep the dog cooler and also give the dog a sense of purpose.

5.) Find innovative ways to cool your dog.

Don't have air conditioning? No problem! Find a spot in the shade and set up a kiddie pool. Lay down a wet towel for your dog to lie on. Or simply set up a fan in front of a pan of ice. At the Dog Psychology Center, we have sprinklers that spray the dogs with a gentle mist of water.

6.) Dogs cool from the bottom up.

Make sure to spray the paws and stomach, not just the top of the dog, when spraying it with water. A wet towel does more good on the bottom of your dog than when laid on the top of its coat.

7.) Let your dog dig!

Your dog may resort to finding his own way to avoid the heat. Dog in nature dig their dens not out of frustration but to find food, hide, give birth--or keep cool! If it's possible, locate a shady area where it's okay for your dog to dig.

8.) Let your dog check the weather.

Dogs don't have the Weather Channel, so they don't know why they are being denied a long walk for the day. Allow your dog to step outside and feel for itself that it is too hot, too wet, or too cold to go on a long walk. Instinctually, the dog will understand that it has to shorten its walk, or simply come back inside where it's safe.

9.) Never leave your dog in a parked car.

The car retains more heat than an open area, even if it is in the shade. Plus, a dog may get overexcited in the car due to passersby or panic from claustrophobia, making dehydration more likely. On longer trips, make sure you have water for the dog and keep the AC running.

10.) Use hot weather as an excuse to swim more often!

The best activity you can do in summertime or hot weather is swimming. Instead of walking the dog, take the dog on a swim! If you hold on and allow your dog to take you around the pool, it becomes a powerful bonding experience for the two of you, similar to the walk.

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